AB341 California Mandatory Commercial Recycling

AB341 California Reciclaje Comercial
Reciclaje Comercial 1:

El estado de California aprobó la recuesta de ley AB341, el cual hace obligatorio el reciclaje comercial empezando el 01 de Julio de 2012.

¿Que requieren las reglas Estatales sobre el reciclaje comercial?

La ley AB341 les requieres a todos los negocios que generan 4 yardas cubicas de residuos solidos comerciales por semana y propiedades multifamiliares con 5 unidades o mas (por ejemplo apartamentos) que inicien un servicio de reciclaje a partir del 01 de Julio de 2012 a través de une de las siguientes formas:

° Subscribirse a un servicio que recolectas materiales reciclables por separado, o
° enviar materiales mezclados a una planta de procesamiento donde los materiales reciclables se desvían, o
° Usted mismo transportar sus propios productos reciclables

¿Es el reciclaje obligatorio?

Si. Desde el 1 di Julio de 2012, negocios que generan 4 yardas cubicas o mas de residuos por semana y propiedades multifamiliares (5 unidades o mas) deben reciclar. Como su recolector de franquicia comercial para la basura, les aseguramos su complemento con esta regla estatal proporcionándoles un servicio de reciclaje convenientemente y con un precio mínimo.

¿Che servicio de reciclaje están disponibles para asegurarme del cumplimiento a la nueva ley estatal?

Todo cliente que esto sujeto a la regulació n del reciclaje comercial obligatoria por el estado recobra uno del los siguientes sin costo adicional:

° Un contenedor para el reciclaje de una yarda cubica
° Dos carritos de 96 galones para el reciclaje debido a las limitaciones de almacenamiento
° Procesamiento en una planta donde recuperan materiales reciclables de residuos mezclados

Servicios de recolecció n adicionales, así como contenedores adicionales o de mayor capacidad, serán ofrecidos por un precio mínimo.

Ninguno de la basura que AAA Rubbish recoge se transporta al vertedero de basura.

¿Están lo mismo servicio de reciclaje disponible para la clientes que no están sujetas a la ley AB341, como viviendas unifamiliares, propiedades multifamiliares de menos de 5 unidades y los negocios que generan menos de 4 yardas cubicas?

Si. El mismo servicio de reciclaje explicado anteriormente esta disponible a petición

¿Como puedo solicitar el servicio de reciclaje?

Comuníquese con nuestro departamento de servicio al cliente llamando al 562-927-9669 entre 7:00 am y 5:00 pm, de Lunes a Vienes para solicitar servicios de reciclaje. Además, podemos realizar gratuitamente una visita de evaluació n en su sito para iniciar o mejorar los servicios de reciclaje en su viviendas o negocios. La visita ayudara a personalizar el servicio y proveer contenedores apropiados para satisfacer su necesidades

AB341 California commercial recycling law
Multi-family and Commercial Recycling Program Information:

State law (AB341) requires apartment complexes/multi-family housing communities with five or more units and businesses to recycle. These properties receive trash collection services from the City of Pasadena's franchised haulers. The franchise agreement with these haulers and Chapter 8.61.175 of the Pasadena Municipal Code (PMC) requires each franchised hauler to collect recyclable materials at least once per week and meet a minimum recycling diversion rate of 60% on a monthly basis and on an annual basis.

Currently, the majority of recycling for apartment buildings and businesses happens behind the scenes. Instead of separating trash and recycling collection containers, customers commingle waste in the same collection container. The franchised hauler sends the commingled waste to a material recovery facility (MRF) where manual and mechanical sorting processes separate out recyclable materials.

The sorted recyclable materials undergo further processing required to meet technical specifications established by end-markets. Recovered materials include paper, cardboard, and chipboard, plastics (1-6), glass bottles and jars, metal and aluminum cans, bundled plastic bags and dry cleaner bags and Styrofoam. The remaining balance of the mixed waste stream is sent to a disposal facility such as a landfill.

The City's franchise agreement and PMC Chapter 8.61.170 requires franchised haulers to provide education and informational literature to its customers describing the recycling services provided, materials to be recycled, participation instructions, and the franchisee's telephone number. This must occur at intervals no greater than six months.

Apartment property managers and business owners may request dedicated recycling bins on site. Franchised haulers can provide separate recycling receptacles upon request for an additional fee. Dedicated recycling bins may yield a higher percentage of material recovered and increase customer awareness and satisfaction with the program.

Contact us info@missionrecycling.com
UPDATE (10-06-2011): Governor Brown signs AB 341.
UPDATE: Recycling industry efforts help preserve rights of businesses and recyclers.

Introduced on February 10, 2011, AB 341 would make some notable changes to California law. Currently, businesses are not directly subject to the requirements of the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939, Sher) to divert waste from landfills. AB 341 would change that by, among other things, requiring businesses to recycle.

After input from the recycling industry, amendments were made to AB 341 that expressly preserve the existing right of a business to sell or donate its recyclable materials. More specifically, the bill now provides, among other things, the following:

(a) On and after July 1, 2012, a business that generates more than four cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week or is a multifamily residential dwelling of five units or more shall arrange for recycling services, consistent with state or local laws or requirements, including a local ordinance or agreement, applicable to the collection, handling, or recycling of solid waste, to the extent that these services are offered and reasonably available from a local service provider.
(b) A commercial waste generator shall take at least one of the following actions:
(1) Source separate recyclable materials from solid waste and subscribe to a basic level of recycling service that includes collection, self-hauling, or other arrangements for the pickup of the recyclable materials.
(2) Subscribe to a recycling service that may include mixed waste processing that yields diversion results comparable to source separation.
(a) This chapter does not limit the authority of a local agency to adopt, implement, or enforce a local commercial solid waste recycling requirement that is more stringent or comprehensive than the requirements of this section or limit the authority of a local agency in a county with a population of less than 200,000 to require commercial solid waste recycling.
(b) This chapter does not modify, limit, or abrogate in any manner any of the following:
(1) A franchise granted or extended by a city, county, or other local government agency.
(2) A contract, license, or permit to collect solid waste previously granted or extended by a city, county, or other local government agency.
(3) The existing right of a business to sell or donate its recyclable materials.

 Additional recycling containers, capacity and frequency, will be offered at a fair price for the same type of trash collection service.

 At AAA Rubbish zero percent of the trash we collect is land filled.

How can I arrange for recycling service?

Please contact our customer service department at 562-927-9669 between 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday to arrange for recycling services. Also, we will conduct a free on-site evaluation aimed at starting or enhancing recycling activities on your premises.. The visit will help customize recycling service and containers to meet your needs.

The full bill, analysis, history, etc. can be found at: